Current Projects
Extension of DWP Trail

- Proposed City of Duluth extension of horse trail across Becks Rd. and running along the Munger Trail for 0.4 miles. This trail segment would allow for a connection to Buffalo House for horse camping.
Expansion of Magney-Snively Horse Trails
- Proposed City of Duluth expansion of Magney-Snively riding trails to include the existing 2.2 mile north loop (near Lindahl Road).
Addition of Parking Area for Jay Cooke Horse Trails
- Proposal to use an available space near Forbay Lake to create larger, safer trailer parking area for Jay Cooke State Park horse trails.
Addition of Horse Trails in Nemadji State Forest
- Proposal to develop equestrian facilities in the northern section of Nemadji State Forest near Wild Valley Rd. Includes a new larger parking lot to accommodate horse trailers and enough room to turn around. Up to 10 miles of new horse trail to be built within the state forest boundaries.
Addition of Camping Area at Boulder Lake
- Proposed horse camping area at Boulder Lake, contingent on availability of MN Power land and retirement of an active gravel pit.
Completed Projects
Magney-Snively / Elys Peak Loop (2015-2019)

- Official reopening of the Ely Peak Loop to horse riders in 2019.
- Trail assessment completed to establish the viability of seasonal equestrian use on existing snowmobile and cross country ski area in and around the Magney Snively ski area.
- Raised $30,000 (Minnesota Trail Riders Association grant and DAHTA funds) for trail improvements to the Ely Peak Loop in the Magney Snively Natural Area to contribute to City of Duluth funds.
- Grant written and received from Duluth Community Foundation for $5,000 for trail signage and mounting blocks on the Ely Peak Loop.
- Continuing funding and volunteer hours by DAHTA for trail maintenance.
DWP Multi-Use Trail (2015-2021)
- Equestrian use opened from Clyde Connector west to Becks Road in 2021.
- Participated in DWP Restoration Technical Advisory Group, providing input on shared-use best practices.
- Continuing volunteer trail maintenance by DAHTA for manure cleanup.